Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blog 10

      Orientation and A&P had two very different bosses. The manager in A&P seemed to be very strict with rules and took his job every seriously. The boss in Orientation, on the other hand, didn't seem to worry too much about his office. If he had cared too much, then he probably wouldn't have a serial killer in the office, for example. The boss in Orientation also didn't seem to care too much about the new employee staying at the office, by some of the things he chose to tell a newcomer. The boss in A&P, though, tried to change the cashiers mind about leaving.
      Also, Orientation and A&P were very different in the interactions between coworkers. In Orientation employees were in love triangles on one end, and there were also employees that not a single person would even acknowledge. The cashier in A&P seemed friendly with his coworker but not overly friendly. Also, the other cashier in A&P aspired to be promoted at the store, while in Orientation everybody seemed content with where they were at and, as far as the narrator let on, they weren't very ambitious.
      Lastly, the attitudes in the two workplaces seemed to be quite different. A&P seems to be a bit more uptight, while the office in Orientation seems to be more laid back. For example, in Orientation, The narrator tells the new employee about how he will have to stretch an hours worth of work into a whole day. The productivity of that office would have to be substantially low compared to the market in A&P.

1 comment:

  1. Kaitlyn: You haven't completely followed assignment guidelines. There's evidence missing. The guidelines call for the use of textual evidence (direct quotes and particular page numbers). Likewise, for each assertion of similarity or difference, it's your job to sum up the paragraph with a "so what?" What's the EFFECT of that difference? What does it ultimately allow you to conclude? 7/10
