Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blog 20 Pitts

I woke up today,it was cold
I saw a man, he was old
I did laundry, I hate to fold
I made a bid, a man yelled sold
I crashed a car, it rolled and rolled
I tried caviar, I feel bold
I went to work, I did as I was told
I played tug-of-war, I pulled and pulled
I found an old cup of milk, there was mold
I found a coin, it was gold
I went to a psychic, my future was foretold
I found the holy grail, I yelled behold
I got out of prison, I was paroled
I signed up for college, I enrolled
I had an RC car, it was remote controlled
I met a security guard, he patrolled

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog #18

Right by the rocky bay in Seattle, Washington
The suns image bounces on the shore
The crabs with depression in their eyes are trapped
Saddened by capture
They have come sadly out of the water
To greet the tough hands of death
The sly fisherman swiftly climbs over the boulders
Where the crabs have gathered all of their lives
They scuttle away in fear of the monstrous man above them
Away they go
They run into the water. Every crab for himself.
There's no future for them now
Wanting their home
The crabs begin to submerge themselves into the darkness
The fisherman wants to hold them in his fishing net
For they have fallen for his trap
They try to pinch the man
With their crimson claws
Their hard-shelled bodies stay intact
The salty air hanging thick around the mans beard
His dirty hair flowing around the poor crabs hard shell
The fisherman realized
That if the basket was empty he would be broke
Let there be crabs

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog 15 Conversation

Emilee Cash: I went to Subway the other night for dinner.  (iambic heptameter)
Kate Ashe:  What kind of sandwich did you get? (iambic tetrameter)
Emilee: I got a steak, egg, and cheese with various vegetables. (iambic octameter)
Kate: Oh, that sounds disgusting. (iambic tetrameter)
     I get a turkey breast. (iambic tetrameter)
Emilee: Turkey breast is for hams. (iambic trimeter)
Kate: That was an awful joke. (Iambic trimeter)
Emilee: You will have to try it, I suppose. (Iambic pentameter)
Kate: Not even once. (trochee dimeter)
Emilee: You need to welcome diversity in your life. (iambic hexameter)
Kate: Food is thy medicine and medicine is thy food, Em. (iambic heptameter)
Emilee: Wow, you're a poet and didn't even know it. (iambic heptameter)
Kate: I'm not even mad, I'm more impressed. (iambic hexameter)
Emilee:I tend to have that affect, as is tradition. (trochee heptameter)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rainy Day

Sitting outside watching the rain fall so slowly
Soldiers marching into battle

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


For you to love is a gift from above
You may only get to do it one time
We want to feel the sweet embrace of love
A friend forever you will always be mine 

Your hand in mine fits perfect like a glove
When our hearts meet the feeling is sublime
You lift my spirit like wings of a dove
To be without you would be a true crime

Never ending love there is no lack of
When you are around my heartbeat will climb
My feelings will not budge they will not shove
Your love sings to me like that of a chime

I've come down with the love bug like a flu
I hope you know my love for you is true

Thursday, October 24, 2013


To play the game isn't always sweet
Sometimes you have to roll the dice
To get to the top you'll always have to climb mountains
Take each day with a spoonful of sugar
Move on the board and have some fun
Win and you will be king

Kneel before the king
He is bitter but he is sweet
He needs to have a little fun
So he gambles with a pair of dice
He's too afraid to get some sugar
From the girl up in the mountains

Snow piles as high as mountains
Even away, he is still king
The purest powder white like sugar
The taste on the tongue numb yet sweet
The feeling of hitting snake eyes in a game of dice
But when its gone it wont be fun

But who's to say what can be fun
Surely we can all climb mountains
And games don't always require dice
A queen doesn't always need a king
Some like sour, some like sweet
The world can't always be sugar

So the king leaves his sugar
Leaves behind all the fun
Bitterness can be so sweet
There he travels over the mountains
To go back to his throne as king
No gambling this way, no dice

They were loaded anyway, those dice
And there turned out to be no sugar
He remained a lonely king
There was no more fun
He'd never even seen the mountains
To play the game isn't always sweet

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ode to Sunglasses

Early morning driving
Blinding bright lights
My shades shall protect me
From blistering hot sights

Oh, sunglasses you can make
The world less intimidating
Ease the pain of sunshine
And be rid of the berating

You're by my side as always
Whether morning, noon, or night
And help relieve the pain
Of the sun's gruesome bite

Sunglasses you save me
In every season of the year
I could not thank you more
For keeping my line of sight clear